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Atlus Formula: Sweetness Veils Poison in 'Persona' Games

Author : Eric Update:Dec 30,2024

Atlus Formula: Sweetness Veils Poison in

Kazuhisa Wada identifies the 2006 release of Persona 3 as a pivotal moment. Prior to its launch, Atlus adhered to a philosophy Wada terms "Only One," characterized by a "like it or lump it" attitude prioritizing edgy content and shocking moments over broad appeal.

Wada notes that prior market analysis was considered almost inappropriate within the company culture. Persona 3, however, marked a shift to a "Unique & Universal" approach, replacing the "Only One" strategy. This new focus prioritized creating original content accessible to a wider audience. In essence, Atlus began actively considering market viability, aiming for user-friendly and engaging experiences.

Wada uses a striking metaphor: "It's like giving players poison that kills them in a pretty package." The "pretty package" represents stylish design and appealing characters, while the "poison" is Atlus' continued commitment to intense and surprising narrative elements. This "Unique & Universal" strategy, Wada asserts, will underpin future Persona titles.

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