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Маркет Деливери: еда, продуктыDownload
Food & Drink 丨 111.1 MB
Delivery Club has evolved into "Market Delivery": new products have been added to the already beloved ones. Now in one place you will find almost everything that you cannot do without every day. We work in more than 300 cities in Russia: both large and small. With delivery from 25 minutes you can bu
Number One DriverDownload
Food & Drink 丨 24.4 MB
Number One, the leading food delivery app in northeastern Syria, offers a seamless experience for ordering and receiving delicious meals from your favorite restaurants. We deliver quickly and efficiently, bringing restaurant-quality food right to your door.
KFC South AfricaDownload
Food & Drink 丨 142.2 MB
The Official KFC South Africa App: Exclusive Offers and Convenient Ordering Indulge in the ultimate KFC experience with the official KFC South Africa app, your gateway to exclusive offers and effortless ordering. Order Online, Collect with Ease Satisfy your cravings with our online ordering feature.