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Horror Game 'The Coma 2' Plunges Players into Spooky Dimension

Author : Skylar Update:Dec 10,2024

Horror Game

The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters, the sequel of The Coma: Cutting Class, has dropped globally on Android. Developed by Devespresso Games and published by Headup Games, it dropped on PC in 2020. On Android, it’s being published by Star Game.If you’ve played the prequel, you might remember Youngho, Mina’s friend and the protagonist of the first game. This time, it’s Mina’s turn, and the danger feels even more immediate. You’ll dive into lore, solve puzzles and confront Mina’s fears.Didn’t Play the Prequel? OK, Let’s Give You the LowdownMina Park is the main character in The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters. She’s a high school student, burning the midnight oil in a quiet classroom at Sehwa High. One night, instead of the usual late-night cram session, Mina wakes up at a school that no longer feels like her own.Walls pulse with darkness, hallways stretch in unsettling ways and there’s a menacing presence lurking in the shadows. It turns out to be her teacher, Ms. Song. She’s now the terrifying ‘Dark Song,’ driven by something evil and intent on hunting Mina down.And so starts your constant balance of exploration with the instinct to survive in The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters. At times, you might meet Dark Song up close. When she appears, the game shifts into a pulse-pounding survival mode, where quick-time events are the only thing between you and an untimely end.Outside the school, the surrounding Sehwa district becomes an even darker maze. You’ll meet all kinds of strange characters. You also hunt down items to craft critical supplies that can help you avoid getting permanently injured.When you’re not scavenging to stay alive, you’re working through puzzles, unlocking new areas and piecing together clues which reveal the secrets of the nightmarish dimension. Find the right spots, stay low and pass the stealthy quick-time challenges, or Dark Song will track you down.Dare to Try The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters?The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters is a 2D side-scroller with nice visuals that add to the eerie experience. It has hand-drawn scenes that look like a comic book and is full of vibrant colours. You can check it out on the Google Play Store.From one horror game to another! Read our scoop on Carrion the Reverse Horror Game That Lets You Hunt, Consume and Evolve!

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