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World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 is Going to Be a Big Update for Hunters

Author : Aria Update:Mar 18,2025

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 is Going to Be a Big Update for Hunters


Hunters in WoW Patch 11.1 gain pet specialization switching, a single-pet option in Beast Mastery, and lose pets entirely in Marksmanship. Patch 11.1 introduces the Undermine and the Liberation of Undermine raid against Chrome King Gallywix. Player feedback on the PTR early next year will shape the final Hunter changes.

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 significantly alters the Hunter class. Pets gain specialization swapping, Beast Mastery offers a single-pet option, and Marksmanship loses pets altogether. Barring significant PTR feedback changes, these alterations will launch with Patch 11.1, likely in February.

World of Warcraft recently unveiled Patch 11.1, "Undermined," continuing The War Within storyline in the Goblin capital. This culminates in the Liberation of Undermine raid against Chrome King Gallywix.

Patch 11.1 includes substantial class changes, particularly for Hunters. Hunters can now switch pet specializations (Cunning, Ferocity, or Tenacity) at the stables. This applies to all pets, including event pets like the Dreaming Festive Reindeer.

Hunter specializations also undergo major revisions. Marksmanship is redesigned, removing the pet and introducing a Spotting Eagle that marks targets for increased damage. Beast Mastery offers a single, larger, higher-damage pet option. The Pack Leader talent is reworked, summoning a bear, boar, and wyvern.

Player reaction is mixed. Pet specialization switching and the Beast Mastery single-pet option are popular, but the Marksmanship rework is controversial. While the Spotting Eagle concept is understood, many feel losing the pet diminishes the class fantasy. The forced bear/boar/wyvern combination in Pack Leader is also unpopular.

These changes are subject to change. The Patch 11.1 PTR will be available early next year for testing and feedback. Hunters are encouraged to provide feedback to Blizzard.

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 Hunter Changes

  • Hunter pet specializations are now changeable via a stable dropdown menu.

Class Changes

    • Kindling Flare: Increased flare radius by 50%.
    • Territorial Instincts: Reduced Intimidation cooldown by 10 seconds; no longer summons a pet if none is present.
    • Wilderness Medicine: Increased Natural Mending cooldown reduction by 0.5 seconds.
    • No Hard Feelings: Reduced Misdirection cooldown by 5 seconds.
    • Roar of Sacrifice (Marksmanship only): Pet protects a friendly target from critical strikes for 12 seconds; disables Spotting Eagle’s mark.
    • Intimidation (Marksmanship): Line-of-sight requirement removed; uses Spotting Eagle.
    • Explosive Shot: Increased projectile speed.
    • Eyes of the Beast: Now learned only by Survival and Beast Mastery Hunters.
    • Eagle Eye: Now learned only by Marksmanship Hunters.
    • Freezing Trap: Breaks based on a damage threshold.
    • Roar of Sacrifice, Wilderness Medicine, and No Hard Feelings tooltips updated for clarity in Marksmanship.
    • Hero Talents
      • Dark Ranger
        • Withering Fire: Now triggers from Black Arrow casts during Trueshot/Bestial Wrath; no longer auto-fires Black Arrow. Developer Note: Aims to improve Withering Fire consistency, reducing extreme highs and lows.
        • Bleak Powder cone damage fixed.
      • Pack Leader
        • New Talent: Howl of the Pack Leader: Every 30 seconds, the next Kill Command summons a bear, wyvern, or boar. Each provides unique battlefield support.
        • New Talent: Better Together: Reduces Howl of the Pack Leader cooldown to 25 seconds; pets gain 5% attack power.
        • New Talent: Dire Summons: Kill Command reduces Howl of the Pack Leader cooldown by 1 second; Cobra Shot/Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite also reduces cooldown by 1 second.
        • New Talent: Pack Mentality: Next Kill Command deals 50% increased damage/generates an additional Tip of the Spear stack.
        • New Talent: Ursine Fury: Bear's periodic damage has a 10% chance to reduce Kill Command/Butchery or Flanking Strike cooldown by 1/2 seconds. Choice node with Envenomed Fangs.
        • New Talent: Envenomed Fangs: Bear's initial damage consumes Serpent Sting from up to 8 targets, dealing 100% remaining damage instantly. Choice node with Ursine Fury.
        • New Talent: Fury of the Wyvern: Pet attacks increase Wyvern damage bonus by 1% (up to 10%); Kill Command/Wildfire Bomb extends Wyvern duration by 1/2 seconds (up to 10 seconds).
        • New Talent: Hogstrider: Boar damage grants an additional target to next Cobra Shot/Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite; Beast Mastery gains 25% increased Cobra Shot damage (stacks up to 4 times); Survival has a 25% chance to gain Mongoose Fury.
        • New Talent: No Mercy: Kill Shot causes nearby pets and the bear to attack the target.
        • New Talent: Shell Cover: Below 40% health, summons a turtle reducing damage taken by 10% for 6 seconds (2-minute cooldown).
        • New Talent: Slicked Shoes: Disengage cooldown reduced by 4 seconds when removing movement impairment. Choice node with Horsehair Tether.
        • New Talent: Horsehair Tether: Binding Shot stuns and drags the enemy to its center. Choice node with Slicked Shoes.
        • New Talent: Lead From the Front: Bestial Wrath/Coordinated Assault summons a beast and increases beast damage by 25% for 12 seconds.
        • Removed Talents: Beast of Opportunity, Cornered Prey, Covering Fire, Cull the Herd, Den Recovery, Frenzied Tear, Furious Assault, Howl of the Pack, Pack Assault, Pack Coordination, Scattered Prey, Tireless Hunt, Vicious Hunt, Wild Attacks.
      • Sentinel
        • Lunar Storm: Damage increased by 25%; radius increased to 12 yards; duration increased to 12 seconds; triggers every 30 seconds; deals initial damage plus periodic damage; updated visuals; cooldown tracked via aura; aura on personal resource display; slowly follows target. Developer Note: Aims to make Lunar Storm a more impactful, usable ability.
    • Beast Mastery
      • Developer Note: Further tuning for area-of-effect capabilities.
      • New Talent: Dire Cleave: Summoned Dire Beasts gain Beast Cleave at 100% effectiveness for 8 seconds.
      • New Talent: Poisoned Barbs: Barbed Shot has a 30% chance to explode, dealing Nature damage to nearby enemies (damage reduced beyond 8 targets).
      • New Talent: Solitary Companion: Pet damage increased by 35%; pet size increased by 10%. Choice node with Animal Companion. Developer Note: Allows for solo-pet Beast Mastery with minimal throughput loss.
      • Stomp: Deals separate damage instances to primary and secondary targets.
      • Serpent Sting: Damage increased by 50%.
      • Barrage: Damage increased by 100%; focus cost reduced to 40.
      • Alpha Predator: Now increases Kill Command damage multiplicatively.
      • Hunter’s Prey Kill Shots now target enemies regardless of health.
      • Dire Command: Summon chance reduced to 20%.
      • Dire Beast visuals updated; Dire Beasts now leap to their target.
      • Dire Frenzy: Now a 2-point node, replacing Basilisk Collar.
      • Removed Talents: Basilisk Collar, Venom’s Bite.
    • Marksmanship
      • Developer Note: Reimagining Marksmanship's sharpshooter fantasy, addressing spec friction points like Lone Wolf. Marksmanship loses pet functionality, gaining a Spotting Eagle.
      • New Ability: Harrier’s Cry: Eagle signals attack, increasing party/raid Haste by 30% for 40 seconds (10-minute cooldown).
      • New Passive: Manhunter: Aimed Shot applies Grievous Injury, reducing healing received by 25%.
      • New Passive: Eyes in the Sky: Spotting Eagle marks targets for 10% increased Aimed Shot damage. Replaces Call Pet and pet abilities.
      • New Talent: Aspect of the Hydra: Aimed Shot, Rapid Fire, and Arcane Shot hit a second nearby target for 40% damage. Choice node with Trick Shots.
      • New Talent: Improved Spotter’s Mark: Increased damage bonus.
      • New Talent: Moving Target: Consuming Precise Shots increases next Aimed Shot damage by 20% and grants Streamline.
      • New Talent: Obsidian-Tipped Ammunition: Increased Auto Shot damage and critical strike chance. Choice node with On Target.
      • New Talent: Shrapnel Shot: Explosive Shot damage increases Arcane Shot/Multi-Shot damage.
      • New Talent: Magnetic Gunpowder: Consuming Precise Shots/Lock and Load reduces Explosive Shot cooldown.
      • New Talent: Precise Detonation: Explosive Shot grants Streamline; Aimed Shot on Explosive Shot target causes instant explosion with increased damage.
      • New Talent: On Target: Consuming Spotter’s Mark grants Haste (stacks up to 4 times). Choice node with Obsidian-Tipped Ammunition.
      • New Talent: Quickdraw: Lock and Load increases Aimed Shot damage.
      • New Talent: Target Acquisition: Consuming Spotter’s Mark reduces Aimed Shot cooldown.
      • New Talent: Eagle’s Accuracy: Increased Spotter’s Mark Aimed Shot damage bonus.
      • New Talent: Headshot: Kill Shot can benefit from Precise Shots (25% effectiveness); consumes Precise Shots.
      • New Talent: Feathered Frenzy: Trueshot sends Eagle into a frenzy, instantly applying Spotter’s Mark; increased chance to apply Spotter’s Mark during Trueshot.
      • New Talent: Tensile Bowstring: Consuming Precise Shots extends Trueshot duration (up to 5 seconds); increases Streamline effectiveness.
      • New Talent: Incendiary Ammunition: Bulletstorm increases critical strike damage; increased Bulletstorm stacks.
      • New Talent: Bullet Hell: Multi-Shot/Volley reduces Rapid Fire cooldown; Aimed Shot reduces Volley cooldown.
      • New Talent: Improved Streamline: Increased Streamline cast time reduction. Choice node with Focused Aim.
      • New Talent: Windrunner Quiver: Precise Shots stack up to 2 times (reduced damage bonus); Aimed Shot has a 50% chance to grant an additional stack.
      • New Talent: Eagle’s Accuracy: Increased Spotter’s Mark damage bonus.
      • New Talent: Cunning: Spotting Eagle gains Cunning specialization (Master’s Call and Pathfinding). Choice node with Tenacious.
      • New Talent: Tenacious: Spotting Eagle gains Tenacity specialization (Air Superiority and Endurance Training). Choice node with Cunning.
      • New Talent: Ohn’ahran Winds: Spotter’s Mark has a 25% chance to mark up to 3 additional enemies.
      • New Talent: Double Tap: Trueshot grants Double Tap, causing next Aimed Shot/Rapid Fire to fire again/additional shots (50% reduced effectiveness in PvP).
      • New Talent: Killer Mark: Spotter’s Mark increases Aimed Shot critical strike chance.
      • New Talent: Deadeye: Kill Shot has 2 charges; reduced cooldown. Choice node with Headshot. Developer Note: Provides a simpler option for improving Kill Shot throughput.
      • Streamline: Rapid Fire damage increased by 15%; casting Rapid Fire grants Streamline; next Aimed Shot has reduced cast time (stacks up to 2 times).
      • Precise Shot (renamed Precise Shots): Aimed Shot increases Arcane Shot/Multi-Shot damage and reduces Focus cost; increases Auto Shot damage and increases time between auto shots.
      • Focused Aim: Precise Shots reduces Aimed Shot cooldown. Choice node with Improved Streamline.
      • Trueshot: Increased critical strike chance and damage; reduced Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire cooldown.
      • Razor Fragments: Now only triggers when Deathblow is gained.
      • Calling the Shots: Consuming Spotter’s Mark reduces Trueshot cooldown. Choice node with Unerring Vision.
      • Unerring Vision: Trueshot increases critical strike chance and damage. Choice node with Calling the Shots.
      • Bulletstorm: Rapid Fire damage increases Aimed Shot damage (stacks up to 15 times; stacks don't refresh duration).
      • In the Rhythm: Channeling Rapid Fire decreases time between Auto Shots.
      • Fan the Hammer (renamed Ammo Conservation): Reduces Aimed Shot cooldown.
      • Multi-Shot: Now learned at level 10.
      • Aimed Shot: Damage increased by 20%; cast time increased to 3 seconds.
      • Rapid Fire: Grants 2 Focus per shot.
      • Volley: Damage increased by 100%.
      • Steady Shot: Damage increased by 30%; grants 20 Focus.
      • Small Game Hunter: Increases Explosive Shot damage by 15%.
      • Pin Cushion: Functionality now baseline to Steady Shot.
      • Salvo: Now passive, triggering only from Volley; choice node with Kill Zone.
      • Surging Shots: Now properly highlights Rapid Fire cooldown reset.
      • Fixed Kill Shot damage bonus talent double application to Black Arrow.
      • Tooltips, talents, and aura descriptions updated.
      • Bullseye: Now a 2-point talent.
      • Removed Talents: Barrage, Careful Aim, Chimera Shot, Crack Shot, Heavy Ammo, Hydra’s Bite, Improved Steady Shot, Legacy of the Windrunners, Light Ammo, Lone Wolf, Multi-Shot, Pin Cushion, Rapid Fire Barrage, Readiness, Serpentstalker’s Trickery, Steady Focus, Tactical Reload, Unerring Vision, Wailing Arrow.
    • Survival
      • Developer Note: Reducing cognitive load by making Butchery and Flanking Strike mutually exclusive.
      • New Talent: Cull the Herd: Kill Shot increases bleed effect damage by 30% for 6 seconds. Developer Note: Preserving the compelling combination of bleed effects and Cull the Herd.
      • New Talent: Born to Kill: Increased Deathblow chance; increased Cull the Herd duration; Cull the Herd increases Kill Shot damage taken.
      • Frenzy Strikes: Now also increases Flanking Strike damage and attack speed.
      • Merciless Blow: Now also causes Flanking Strike damage to inflict a heavy bleed. Developer Note: Damage equivalent to 20th Anniversary Celebration Butchery's Merciless Blow.
      • Alpha Predator: Now increases Kill Command damage multiplicatively.
      • Merciless Blow Butchery bleed damage reduced by 50%.
      • Tactical Advantage: Now also increases Butchery damage.
      • Flanking Strike and Butchery: Now on a choice node.
      • Exposed Flank: Removed.

Player Versus Player

    • New PvP Talent: Explosive Powder: Bursting Shot knocks back and further snares enemies.
    • Beast Mastery
      • Dire Beast: Basilisk: Now automatically triggers on target when casting Call of the Wild.
    • Marksmanship
      • New PvP Talent: Sniper’s Advantage: Trueshot and Volley increase shot range.
      • New PvP Talent: Aspect of the Fox: Aimed Shot castable while moving during Aspect of the Cheetah; increased Aspect of the Cheetah delay.
      • Ranger’s Finesse: No longer increases Bursting Shot effectiveness.
      • Removed PvP Talents: Interlope (Marksmanship only), Sniper Shot, Trueshot Mastery, Wild Kingdom.
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