Hunting AI animals in Ecos La Brea can be challenging, despite their seemingly docile nature. Mastering stealth is key. Here's how to successfully track and capture them.
How to Hunt AI in Ecos La Brea
Movement directly impacts the meter. Sprinting fills it rapidly, running significantly affects it, trotting fills it more slowly, and walking fills it at the slowest rate – ideal for close approaches. Wind direction is also crucial. Approaching downwind will spook the animal quickly, crosswind is moderate, while upwind offers the best approach.
Observe the AI's behavior. A question mark intermittently appears above the animal icon. Moving while the question mark is visible accelerates the alertness meter's filling. Remain stationary until it disappears.
The meter will likely fill before you reach the AI. Be ready to sprint once it flees. AI animals are swift, but sprinting allows you to keep pace.
AI movement is unpredictable; practice in open areas minimizing obstacles for clear sightlines. Get extremely close to initiate the bite. Once captured, drop and consume your prey, repeating the hunt until satiated.