RuneScape expands Woodcutting and Fletching beyond level 99! A new level 110 update introduces exciting mechanics and skill tree additions, perfect for seasoned RuneScape players.
This Christmas brings a wood-chopping bonanza! Jagex has announced the arrival of the 110 Woodcutting & Fletching update, available now on all platforms. No longer will the 99 level cap limit your progress. Continue your grind to even greater heights! Firemaking also receives enhancements, and new Eternal Magic Trees in Eagle's Peak challenge level 100+ skills.
Boost your performance with Enchanted Bird Nests and new consumables. Fletching now allows crafting short bows and crossbows. The level 100 Masterwork Bow integrates multiple skills, while augmentable level 90 and 100 hatchets conquer even the sturdiest oaks.
Beyond the Grind
While the "chop 'till you drop" aspect is playful, the excitement is understandable. RuneScape's enduring appeal lies in its extensive skill system, offering endless opportunities for progression and unlocking new mechanics.
This level 99 expansion opens exciting possibilities for skill advancement, adding countless hours of gameplay for dedicated players.
Before diving into this update, consider exploring our list of the top 25 best Android RPGs – a collection of top-tier role-playing games available now!