This guide explores how to befriend Marnie in Stardew Valley, a beloved rancher known for her animal affection, subtle connection with Mayor Lewis, and occasional store absence. Despite this, her kindness makes her a popular villager, particularly helpful in the game's early stages. This guide will help you cultivate your friendship with Marnie, unlocking recipes, free hay, and even access to Lewis's infamous purple shorts!
Updated January 4, 2025, by Demaris Oxman: Pelican Town's residents are key to Stardew Valley's enduring appeal. Marnie, the kind rancher, is a prime example. Gifts are crucial for building relationships, so this updated guide (reflecting the 1.6 update) details what Marnie loves and dislikes.
What Gifts Does Marnie Like?
Gifts are the key to Marnie's heart, but some are more appreciated than others. Remember, gifts on her birthday (Fall 18th) grant 8x the friendship points.
Top-Tier Gifts (Loved)
These gifts award 80 friendship points. Prioritize these, especially on her birthday:
- Universal Favorites: Prismatic Shard, Pearl, Magic Rock Candy, Golden Pumpkin, Rabbit's Foot, Stardrop Tea. (Note: Golden Pumpkins are from the Spirit's Eve maze; Rabbit's Feet from happy rabbits; Pearls from the Mermaid's Song or Blobfish ponds; Prismatic Shards are rare; Magic Rock Candy is expensive, trading three Prismatic Shards.)
- Diamond (found in the Mines).
- Cooked Dishes: Pink Cake (Wheat Flour, Egg, Sugar, Melon – recipe from Queen of Sauce, Summer 21, Year 2), Pumpkin Pie (Pumpkin, Wheat Flour, Milk, Sugar – recipe from Queen of Sauce, Winter 21, Year 1), Farmer's Lunch (Omelet, Parsnip – Farming Level 3).
Good Gifts (Liked)
These grant 45 friendship points:
- Eggs (except Void Eggs), Milk, Quartz, most Flowers (except Poppies), Fruit Tree Fruits ( Apple, Apricot, Orange, Peach, Pomegranate, Cherry), most Artisan Goods (except Oil and Void Mayonnaise), other Gemstones, Stardew Valley Almanac.
Avoid These (Disliked & Hated)
These decrease friendship: Salmonberry, Seaweed, Wild Horseradish, Holly, crafting materials, raw fish, crafted items, Geodes.
Movie Theater Preferences
Marnie enjoys the movie theater experience. Gift her a ticket; she'll appreciate any film (100-200 points depending on the film and concessions). Ice Cream Sandwiches and Stardrop Sorbet are her favorite concessions.
Complete Marnie's quests for substantial friendship boosts:
- Cow's Delight (Fall 3): Deliver Amaranth for 500g and a heart increase.
- Marnie's Request (3 Hearts): Provide a Cave Carrot for 100 friendship points.
Friendship Perks
Reaching certain friendship levels unlocks recipes and gifts:
- 3 Hearts: Pale Broth recipe.
- 7 Hearts: Rhubarb Pie recipe.
- Occasional Hay gifts.