Erabit Studios returns with the thrilling conclusion to the Methods series: Methods 3: The Invisible Man. This mobile visual novel plunges players back into a world of cunning criminals and brilliant detectives, where the stakes are higher than ever.
What's New in Methods 3?
Following the deadly events of Methods 2: Secrets and Death, the detective competition has become a life-or-death game. Detective Asper's murder leaves Detective Ashdown and his partner, Detective Woes, to track down the elusive "Invisible Man," a shadowy figure always one step ahead. Their investigation takes them aboard a train, venturing deeper into the competition's fourth tier.
Methods 3 boasts over 25 interactive crime scenes spread across 20 chapters of intense storytelling. The game retains the captivating soundtrack and distinctive art style of its predecessors.
Can You Solve the Mystery?
For newcomers, the Methods series is a visual novel featuring 100 detectives competing for a million-dollar prize. However, the world's most intelligent criminals are also participating, aiming for the same reward and immunity from prosecution.
Methods 3: The Invisible Man is available now! A limited-time giveaway offers free Android game codes. To enter, follow the official Methods Twitter account, like, and retweet their giveaway post. The contest ends August 19th, 2024.
Alternatively, purchase Methods 3: The Invisible Man on the Google Play Store, currently discounted by 30% for a limited time.
Don't forget to check out our other news: Goddess Paradise – pre-registration for the new chapter is now open on Android.