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Prepare for Civilization's Rebirth Post-Plague Inc.

Author : Lucy Update:Dec 30,2024

Ndemic Creations, the minds behind the iconic disease simulator Plague Inc., are venturing into new territory with their upcoming release, After Inc. This new game flips the script, shifting from global devastation to the challenging task of rebuilding civilization after the Necroa Virus—the notoriously difficult undead-creating plague from Plague Inc.—has ravaged the world.

Instead of spreading disease, players in After Inc will lead the few remaining survivors in the arduous process of societal reconstruction. The core gameplay revolves around resource management, balancing the needs of your community while simultaneously fending off both natural disasters and the ever-present threat of the undead. Difficult choices, from navigating political systems (democracy vs. authoritarianism) to making ethically challenging decisions about resource allocation (like the fate of canine companions), will be crucial for survival.


A Post-Apocalyptic Challenge

After Inc offers a unique appeal, building upon Ndemic's proven expertise in creating engaging and thought-provoking simulation games. It's a fascinating exploration of the consequences of the hypothetical pandemic scenarios previously explored in Plague Inc.

While a firm release date remains elusive, an early 2024 release is anticipated. Pre-registration is currently open for iOS and Android devices. In the meantime, why not brush up on your pandemic-management skills with Plague Inc.? Our expert tips can help you conquer the world—or, perhaps, prepare you for the even greater challenge of rebuilding it in After Inc.

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