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How To Do the Free Perk Easter Egg in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Author : Bella Update:Mar 18,2025

How To Do the Free Perk Easter Egg in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Unlocking Perks in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies' The Tomb map can be a game-changer. These power-ups significantly boost your survival chances, enhancing health, speed, and damage output. However, acquiring them usually requires navigating the map and spending valuable in-game currency, which can be scarce in later rounds. Fortunately, The Tomb offers a neat Easter egg that rewards you with a free Perk!

How to Get a Free Perk in The Tomb

This simple Easter egg can significantly ease your early-game struggles. Here's how to claim your free Perk:

  1. Equip Napalm Burst on any weapon.
  2. Proceed to the Ossuary.
  3. Illuminate all six lamps in the room by shooting them. (Related: How To Do the Song Easter Egg in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies)

All Perks in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Since the free Perk from this Easter egg is random, familiarizing yourself with all available options is helpful. Here's a complete list of Perk-a-Colas and their effects:

Perk-a-Cola NamePerk Description
Deadshot DaiquiriAimed shots automatically target critical areas, increasing critical hit damage.
Death PerceptionAllows you to see enemies through obstacles.
Elemental PopEach shot has a chance to apply a random Ammo Mod.
Jugger-NogIncreases maximum health by 100 points.
Melee MacchiatoBoosts the damage of melee attacks performed with the butt of your weapon.
PhD FlopperGrants immunity to self-inflicted damage and status effects. Diving prone triggers an explosion, with increased power based on fall distance. Also provides immunity to fall damage while diving.
Quick ReviveReduces both self-revive and ally revive times by 50%.
Speed ColaIncreases reload and armor plating speed by 30%.
Stamin-UpIncreases movement speed.
Vulture AidIncreases the variety and quantity of loot dropped by enemies, including Essence Vials and ammo.

That's how to secure a free Perk via the Easter egg in The Tomb within Black Ops 6 Zombies. Looking for more secrets? Check out our guide on completing the mannequin Easter egg in Nuketown!

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone are available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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