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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: How To Catch And Evolve Deino

Author : Layla Update:Mar 01,2025

This guide details how to obtain and utilize Hydreigon, a formidable Dark/Dragon-type Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Hydreigon's power makes it a coveted addition to any trainer's team.

Obtaining Deino:

Hydreigon's evolution line begins with Deino, found exclusively in Pokémon Scarlet. To acquire Deino in Pokémon Violet, trading or transferring is necessary.

Deino and Zweilous Locations (Pokémon Scarlet):

Wild Deino can be found in:

  • Alfornada Cavern (requires Koraidon's high jump)
  • Dalizapa Passage
  • Glaseado Mountain
  • Area Zero
  • North Province (Area Two)

Deino also appears in 3-star Tera Raids (post-3 gym badges). Zweilous, Deino's evolution, can be found in 4-star Tera Raids and in some of the same wild locations as Deino.

Transferring Deino (Pokémon Home):

For those without Pokémon Scarlet, the Pokémon HOME app allows transferring Deino from other compatible games (Sword/Shield, GO, etc.) to Pokémon Violet.

  1. Move Deino to your Basic Box in Pokémon HOME.
  2. Open Pokémon Violet in HOME and transfer Deino to a PC Box.


  • Deino evolves into Zweilous at level 50.
  • Zweilous evolves into Hydreigon at level 64.

Exp. Candy L and XL are recommended for faster leveling. Auto-battling can also expedite the process.

Hydreigon's Strengths and Weaknesses:

Hydreigon, a pseudo-legendary Pokémon, boasts a base stat total of 600. Its high Special Attack and Attack, coupled with good Speed, make it a versatile attacker. A Timid or Jolly Nature is recommended.

Stat Base Stat
HP 92
Attack 105
Sp. Attack 125
Defense 90
Sp. Def 90
Speed 98
Total 600

Type Effectiveness:

  • Super Effective Against: Dragon, Ghost, Psychic
  • Weaknesses: Fairy (4x), Fighting, Bug, Dragon, Ice
  • Resistances: Grass, Water, Fire, Electric, Ghost, Dark
  • Immunities: Ground, Psychic

Terastallizing mitigates Hydreigon's 4x weakness to Fairy-type moves. Flash Cannon (via TM) is a crucial Steel-type move to counter this weakness. Other recommended moves include Nasty Plot, Dragon Pulse (or Draco Meteor), and Dark Pulse. Hydreigon's movepool allows for both physical and special attacking strategies.

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