Get ready for a frosty adventure! Monster Hunter Now's Season Four, "Roars from the Winterwind," arrives December 5th, bringing a blizzard of new content. Prepare for icy challenges and exciting additions!
Frigid Frontier: Explore the new tundra habitat, a challenging icy landscape home to formidable monsters like Tigrex, Lagombi, Volvidon, and Somnacanth. Some require quest completion to unlock, but you might encounter them beyond the tundra's icy grip.
Dual-Wielding Destruction: Master the new Switch Axe, seamlessly transitioning between axe and sword modes for dynamic combat. Charge your switch gauge for devastating attacks during mode changes.
Feline Friends Forever: Adorable Palicos become permanent companions! Customize your own loyal Palico, benefiting from material gathering assistance and monster tracking abilities.
And Much, Much More! This is just the tip of the iceberg! Season Four also includes new armor sets, the ability to cheer on friends, augmented reality (AR) Palico viewing (using Niantic's AR technology), a season pass, fresh skills, new medals, and a treasure trove of other surprises.
This massive update delivers a mountain of content perfect for the holiday season and beyond. Stay warm and enjoy the hunt!
Don't forget to check out our helpful guides and tips! Boost your winter hunting with our regularly updated list of Monster Hunter Now codes for free Zenny.