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Learn Arabic with the Quran

Learn Arabic with the Quran

Categoria:Escritório de negócios Tamanho:9.00M Versão:2.0.83

Desenvolvedor:Webomia Avaliar:4.2 Atualizar:Mar 08,2025

Descrição do aplicativo

MarvelatthesplendoroftheQuranandenhanceyourunderstandingofArabicwiththeultimateLearnArabicwiththeQuranapp.Discoverthejoyofreading,comprehending,andmemorizingtheQuranwithease,whilestrengtheningyourrelationshipwithAllah.QuranProgressisdesignedtom AKELEARNINGSRESTRESSTER-FREEANDENGING, Ajudando, você se refere, e sem relembramento, com alojamento, coaching personalizado, efunexercises, this AppensResthatyoureTainOver1500CommolyUsusenicOnicSolvocAy.SuresthatyoureTainOver1500ComMoNusedquranicVroc. guagearriers ehelloToadeeperspiritualConnection -thePepowerfquranProgress.FeatureflearNarabicWiththeQuran:> SmartLearning: focoMemestcommonlypapEaringQuranicvocabulário, que faz mais eficácia muito deve ser o valor automático do plano: arevisionPlanisGeneratedAutomaticamente a serem livres Ganhando: MakeLearningarAbicenJoyablethoughinteractiveQuisces, Games, AndExercises.> VariedlearningExercises: Quizzes, MultipleChoiceQuestions, WritingTasks e GessingGamestokeEpyouenGaged.TipsForUsers:> SetAside5MinutesAdAyTopracticeWitHetheAppApford.tipsForers:> SetAside5MinutesAdAyTopracticeWitHetheApphapform SISTENTPROGRESS DTOYOURLENDING GOALSTOSEEIMPROVEMENT.CONCLUSÃO: Aprendize -se aquáteres de reenção Learning eficientes e efetivos.

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Learn Arabic with the Quran Captura de tela 3
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