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Learn Arabic with the Quran

Learn Arabic with the Quran

Categoria:Produttività Misurare:9.00M Versione:2.0.83

Sviluppatore:Webomia Valutare:4.2 Aggiornamento:Mar 08,2025

Descrizione dell'applicazione

Marvelatthesplendorofthequranandenhanceyurundendingofarabic con thioutimatelearnarabic withthequranpp.discoverthejoyofreading, comprendendo e che emozionando ilquranwithease, durante la lunghezza di resistenza di un temporelerationwithllah.quranprogressDesdedom Akelearningstress-Frengegying, aiutando a farneduring eMemorizeTheTequraneffortlessly guagebarriersandhellotoodeeperspiritualconnectionthroughthepowereofquranprogress.featuresoflearnarabicwiththe then:> smartlearning: focusesonthemonmmonlyapparingquranicvocabulary, rendendolearningefficiente.> virtualcoach: riceveiivingessistancefromy Ourveryownvirtualcoachtoguideyouthroughthelearningprocess.> AutomaticRevisionPlan: areVisionplanisGenerateDAutomaticamente ahelpyelearnstress-privo guadagno: makelearningarabicenjoyablethroughterinterractiveQuezzes, giochi, andercises.> Variedlearningecises: quiz, multiplechoicequestions, writing casks e inguessinggamestokeepyouengaged.tipsforusers:> setaside5minutesadaytopracticewiththeapforcon SistentProgress.> TakeAdvantageoftHevirtualcoachforpersonalizedGuIndandAndsupport.> MakeUeuseOftHeautomaticRevisionPlantoreInforceYourning.> ImpegnarsiwithThevariedLearningExercisesTokeeStudySsionSessionSincing.> PractichieSegularlycomottes dtoyourlearninggoalstoseeimprovement.conclusione: apprendimento con il QuranoffersAcomComPrehensiVeaveNactiveWayOimProveyourarabicLagieskillshroughThroughquranicvocabulary.withFeaturessMartLearning, AvirtualCoach e SpaceSecetRepetition, questo appmakes apprendimento efficiente in vigore. ByIncorporatingFunlearningecises andVarieDactivity, It KeepSersentend eMotivatedTocontinuetheirguiningjourney.downloadlearNarabic con il tono chequrantodayandenhanceyurundeyurundeding hawnding e l'apprezzamento e il tempo.

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