Stellar Blade Sued By “Stellarblade” for Trademark InfringementBoth Trademarks Duly Registered
Griffith Chambers Mehaffey, the owner of the Stellarblade film company, claimed that their business, which specializes in "Commercials, Documentaries, Music Videos & Independent Films," has been harmed by Sony and Shift Up's use of the name "Stellar Blade" for the game. Mehaffey further stated that the name's use has reduced their business' online visibility, claiming that potential clients searching "Stellarblade" now have difficulty finding relevant information due to "Stellar Blade" game search results.
Mehaffey's request to the Court included monetary damages and attorney fees, as well as an injunction preventing Shift Up and Sony from using the "Stellar Blade" trademark, or any similar name. He also requested the Court to order the transfer of all "Stellar Blade" materials from the game companies to Mehaffey and his company Stellarblade for destruction.
In a statement to IGN, Mehaffey's lawyer said it is "difficult to imagine that Shift Up and Sony were unaware of Mr. Mehaffey's established rights before adopting their identical mark." For further context, Stellar Blade was first announced as "Project Eve" in 2019, later renamed "Stellar Blade" in 2022. In January 2023, Shift Up reportedly registered the "Stellar Blade" trademark for its PS5 title. Mehaffey registered the "Stellarblade" trademark in June 2023, months after Shift Up's filing.
It is worth noting, additionally, that the rights of a trademark owner generally can apply retroactively, meaning the trademark protection extends beyond the registration date of the trademark.