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Minecraft Mod Horrifies with Haunted World

Author : Claire Update:Nov 13,2024

Minecraft Mod Horrifies with Haunted World

Minecraft is a great game in and of itself. What makes it an exceptional game is how moddable it is. If, like us, you’ve sussed how to run a copy of Java Edition on your Android device, a whole world opens up. Some parts of that world are very scary indeed. A new Minecraft horror mod from a veteran creator just hit the scene, and the In Your World mod might be the scariest Minecraft mod to date by the time it’s finished.In Your World is a new mod by creator EBALIA, already notable as the twisted mind behind the mod The Silence. It sets out to scare you but in a far more creeping, psyche-eroding way than most.We’re Not In A Dweller Mod AnymoreIf you’re a mod enjoyer you might be familiar with other horror mods, like the Cave Dweller and his endless cousins. These give you a monster that hunts you and causes havoc while exploring. These are definitely fun, but they’ve always jumscared us more than left us legitimately unsettled.In Your World, currently available for both free and paid members of EBALIA’s Patreon, doesn’t give you monsters in dark caves, or dense fog, or Jeff The Killer trying to stab you. Instead, it gives you a Minecraft world where you’re… not quite alone.Feeling SeenThe first indication something is wrong is often an Achievement popping up at the base of your screen. It reads ‘I See You.’Then there’s the occasional noise of footsteps close by. Uncanny structures begin to appear in the world. Weird geometric shapes and columns with no apparent rhyme or reason. You might, on occasion, see someone standing on them, watching you.If you’re very unlucky, you might find a full building of cobblestone somewhere on the map. What happens if you go inside? We don’t recommend it. We don’t want to spoil too much, but things only get worse.In Your World is only in demo form so far, and it’s already left us thoroughly unsettled and eager to see what the mod will achieve in the future. It’s a horror that gradually plays on your paranoia and leaves nowhere feeling safe, far worse than any screaming monster.Want to get in on this with Minecraft Java on Android? Check out our guide on how to run Minecraft Java on your phone.

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