Hirako, a charismatic and unconventional leader in the Bleach universe, rose to become a squad captain overseeing strategic operations and combat command after a pivotal act of defiance against Soul Society. His unique abilities, centered around his Shikai, grant him control over his opponents' minds.
The Bleach: Rebirth of Souls trailer showcases Hirako's mastery of manipulation, using his powers to sow chaos and erode opponents' confidence. His unpredictable shifts between offense and defense make him perfect for players who appreciate strategic combat.
Gameplay is a 1-on-1, 3D battle focusing on dynamic back-and-forth movement reminiscent of 2D fighting games, with added freedom of movement in all directions.
Consistent with the source material, characters can fight on the ground or in the air using Reishi to propel themselves, resulting in frequent shifts in the combat plane between opponents.