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  • Лекс и Плу
    Лекс и Плу

    Role Playing 丨 71.5 MB

    Blast off into an exciting space car racing adventure! This game is perfect for boys aged 5 and up who love car games! Get ready for thrilling kid-friendly races! ![Image: Game Screenshot](Not applicable - Image URL not provided in input) These aren't just any car games; they're action-packed adven

  • Horizon Walker
    Horizon Walker

    Role Playing 丨 183.1 MB

    《吞噬神明:众神皆为吾所有》——一款讲述人类吞噬神明的史诗级角色扮演游戏。Horizon Walker是一款回合制RPG游戏,拥有独特的故事线和引人入胜的画面。与来自异次元的惊艳角色联手,对抗众神! [故事概要] 人类繁荣的文明因次元“裂隙”的突然出现而戛然而止。“裂隙”中涌现出神明般的存在,它们无情地摧毁和掠夺文明,人类称之为“被遗弃的神明”。尽管人类奋力抵抗,却无法对抗这些“被遗弃的神明”制造的屏障以及将人类变成畸形的Oblivia现象。恐惧和绝望笼罩世界,希望破灭。就在人类绝望地等待灭亡之际,一个奇迹般的传闻传开——有人杀死了被遗弃的神明,并窃取了他们的力量。人们尊称他为“人类之神”,并

  • Tiny Legends
    Tiny Legends

    Role Playing 丨 136.5 MB

    Embark on an epic idle RPG adventure where legendary heroes unite to combat a looming darkness! Collect, upgrade, and battle your way through a realm teeming with magic and monsters. Orcs, Elves, Humans, Druids, Ents, and even the Undead join forces to defend Middle-earth. (Replace placeholder_i

  • Bunny Legends: Pixel Idle
    Bunny Legends: Pixel Idle

    Role Playing 丨 1.1 GB

    WildBUNNY现已登场!限时万圣节服装活动!你发现了一款令人惊艳的全新独立游戏。今日正式上线!立即开始游戏,你将立即成为顶级玩家。我们会根据玩家意见进行更新。 正式上线庆典 · 冒险通行证赠送 · 圣诞节活动 你是兔镇的谈资。自从村庄遭到袭击后,你开始复仇。现在,你必须强大起来。 自动战斗系统 升级并享受强大的技能。 玩家对战模式 与顶级对手竞争!你比其他人强大多少?装备精良才能成为最佳玩家。只需战斗,即可解锁传奇武器! 我们始终期待您的问题和反馈。请随时通过以下官方链接联系我们。 官方联系方式:cafe.naver.com/bunnyrpg

  • Shakes & Fidget - The RPG
    Shakes & Fidget - The RPG

    Role Playing 丨 105.6 MB

    Shakes & Fidget:一款屡获殊荣的奇幻角色扮演游戏,现在也能随时随地畅玩!这款最初的网页游戏现已登陆移动平台!加入数百万玩家的MMORPG世界,用你独一无二的英雄征服中世纪世界!立即下载这款充满冒险、魔法、地牢、传奇怪物和史诗任务的有趣、讽刺、史诗级多人角色扮演游戏!来自德国的顶级角色扮演游戏之一,拥有多人PVP和AFK模式! 充满趣味的漫画角色 创建并自定义你自己的中世纪SF漫画角色。在你的旅程中结识各种角色,体验疯狂的冒险,完成史诗任务,并赢得奖励以在名人堂中占据榜首!每个角色都有独特的风格——战略性地选择你的RPG英雄,成为传奇。真正的在线玩家将阻挡你通往多人PVP竞技场胜

  • Kitty Nail Salon Daycare Cute
    Kitty Nail Salon Daycare Cute

    Role Playing 丨 49.0 MB

    This cute kitty nail makeover game is purrfect for hours of fun! Do you consider yourself a fashion expert? Then Kitty Salon - Nail Saloon Daycare is the ideal game to showcase your skills! This kitty nail surgery game offers a wide array of salon treatments, including nail cutting and design, fanc

  • Going Up Parkour Rooftop Games
    Going Up Parkour Rooftop Games

    Role Playing 丨 71.6 MB

    Experience the thrill of extreme parkour in Going Only Up: Parkour Games 3D! Dare to conquer the ultimate rooftop parkour adventure in this unique, upward-only challenge. This thrilling rooftop run game features a journey across multiple rooftops filled with obstacles and challenges. Jump across h

  • Ragnarok Begins
    Ragnarok Begins

    Role Playing 丨 87.1 MB

    Ragnarok Begins!踏上横版卷轴MMORPG的开放世界之旅! 广受好评的MMORPG《仙境传说》系列带来全新冒险——《Ragnarok Begins》!化身英雄,在奇幻世界米德加尔德展开史诗般的冒险!游戏采用经典的《仙境传说》美术风格,以横版街机风格MMORPG的形式重现广阔的奇幻世界,充满神秘怪物和史诗级角色。探索从深海到莫洛克沙漠的独特景观,挑战传说中的王国和神话般的地下城! ◈ 深度奇幻冒险 ◈ 解开谜团和冲突,体验宏大的剧情和深度冒险 独自或与朋友一起挑战无尽之塔 在瓦尔哈拉竞技场参与团队PVP和排名战,检验你的实力 ◈ 跨平台游戏 ◈ 使用同一个账号在PC和移动设备

  • Archangel's Call: Awakening
    Archangel's Call: Awakening

    Role Playing 丨 939.5 MB

    Embark on an epic MMORPG adventure in Archangels Call! Defeat darkness and awaken your power. Redefine Your Class Destiny: Break free from traditional class limitations with unique hybrid builds. Create unstoppable combinations like the Tank Wizard, Healing Elf, or Immortal Spellsword. Customize y

  • 仙劍奇俠傳:新的開始

    Role Playing 丨 141.2 MB

    《仙剑奇侠传:新的开始》和《轩辕剑三外传:天之痕》史诗联动正式开启!轩辕剑联动送十星陈靖仇!陈靖仇、于小雪、拓跋玉儿三位联动伙伴轮番登场,开启为期一个月的联动狂欢!大宇资讯旗下《仙剑奇侠传》1~6代正版授权!为庆祝两大经典IP梦幻联动,我们准备了一系列精彩福利活动,绝版稀有主角武器:轩辕剑等好礼等你来拿! 轩辕剑三人组与仙剑三人组从余杭镇街头出发,一路穿过荷塘边的迷雾,击败灵隐山的妖魔,最终深入神秘莫测的锁妖塔深渊! ===========游戏特色============ 原著经典角色再现:携手六代仙剑角色助你轻松掌握游戏:李逍遥、赵灵儿、林月如、龙葵、刘梦璃等,所有角色高度还原,每个角色都有

  • X-HERO

    Role Playing 丨 651.3 MB

    Embark on an Epic Idle RPG Adventure! Experience the most popular idle RPG, blending strategic battles and expansive adventures. Gather your superhero team, conquer powerful bosses, and secure galactic victory! Key Features: AFK & Idle System: Train your heroes even when you're offline. Return t

  • TwelveskyM

    Role Playing 丨 102.3 MB

    Twelve Sky 2: Mobile MMORPG Goes Live May 20th at 7:00 GMT! Prepare for epic faction warfare! Twelve Sky 2, the mobile MMORPG, launches its live service on May 20th, 2020, at 7:00 GMT. Check the official Facebook page for updates: facebook.com/twelveskym Dive into an age-old conflict between three

  • Kardmi

    Role Playing 丨 1.7 GB

    Kardmi是一款3D口袋妖怪捕捉、收集和对战手游。Kardmi是居住在广阔的Gerdon大陆上的可爱生物,每个Kardmi都拥有独特而强大的能力。作为训练师,你的目标是捕捉、训练和培养这些Kardmi,帮助它们通过进化变得更强大!“Kardmi”这个名字融合了“Card”(卡片)和“Amigo”(西班牙语的“朋友”),象征着训练师和他们的Kardmi之间牢固的纽带。你的最终目标?成为Kardmi大师!捕捉更强大的Kardmi,挑战道馆馆主,并成为最强的训练师! 免费捕捉,无需抽卡!探索开放世界并捕捉Kardmi,无需抽卡机制。享受公平平衡的游戏体验,每个人都能成功。 训练与进化!拥有9种Ka

  • You Are 100k Light Years Away
    You Are 100k Light Years Away

    Puzzle 丨 87.60M

    Experience the cosmos like never before with "You Are 100k Light Years Away," a captivating mobile game that transports you 100,000 light-years from Earth. Guide your beam through the vast expanse of space, effortlessly leaping between stars with a simple touch. Immerse yourself in a breathtaking

  • Deer Simulator 3D Open World
    Deer Simulator 3D Open World

    Action 丨 123.1 MB

    《鹿模拟器英雄:开放世界》—— 史诗级拟人鹿冒险! 踏入《鹿模拟器3D开放世界》的开放城市和疯狂世界,开启一场精彩绝伦的冒险之旅!在这个开放世界中,体验独特的鹿模拟人生与英雄设定!化身为拥有两种形态的英雄鹿:原生态鹿和拥有超能力的拟人鹿,在《鹿模拟器开放世界》中尽情驰骋!无论是正面冲锋还是挥舞强大的武器,这款游戏都能带给你无穷的乐趣和刺激! 在《鹿模拟器》中,你将体验到作为鹿战士的快感。作为原生态鹿,你将利用速度和敏捷性击倒歹徒、摧毁车辆,并用强力顶撞击败人类敌人。这种鹿的行动纯粹是疯狂的,它将经典的动物生存本能与战斗的刺激完美结合。你不仅仅是一只普通的鹿——你是一位肩负使命的超级鹿英雄! 但

  • Superhero GT Ramp Car Stunt 3D
    Superhero GT Ramp Car Stunt 3D

    Sports 丨 80.60M

    Superhero GTRamp Car Stunt 3D: An Ultimate Stunt Adventure! Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled adventure in Superhero GTRamp Car Stunt 3D! This isn't just a game; it's a thrilling experience filled with breathtaking stunts and challenging tracks. Become a superhero behind the wheel and conquer treach

  • Wedding Bride Makeover Games
    Wedding Bride Makeover Games

    Puzzle 丨 53.19M

    Step into the enchanting world of bridal beauty and creativity with Wedding Bride Makeover Games, the ultimate spa salon experience. Transform a messy bride into a radiant princess with a range of pampering treatments. This Indian-inspired salon game lets you unleash your inner artist. Craft stun

  • Guess The City - Picture Quiz
    Guess The City - Picture Quiz

    Puzzle 丨 44.60M

    Embark on a global adventure with Guess The City – Picture Quiz, an engaging and educational game that challenges your city-guessing skills! Boasting over 60 famous cities and their iconic landmarks, this app tests your geographical knowledge in a fun, interactive way. Need a hand? Helpful hints a

  • Agent J
    Agent J

    Action 丨 119.00M

    化身特工J,在这款刺激的第三人称射击游戏中,完成你的任务,击败敌人!凭借简单的操控和自动瞄准系统,你能够轻松闯过包含各种挑战和Boss战的十五个关卡。解锁五个各具特色的角色,升级你的武器,并从众多天赋中选择,定制你的游戏体验。沉浸在特工J的动作世界中,证明你是传奇特工!立即下载游戏,向敌人展示谁才是老大! 特工J游戏特色: 简单易上手的游戏体验:特工J提供轻松易用的射击游戏体验。只需简单的按住和释放机制即可射击和掩护,玩家可以轻松应对激烈的战斗。 多样的关卡和Boss:探索十五个主题独特的关卡,并与拥有特殊技能的Boss对抗。从冰冻攻击到爆炸技能,每个Boss都为玩家带来新的挑战。 丰富的角

  • Grid Diary - Journal, Planner
    Grid Diary - Journal, Planner

    Puzzle 丨 38.12M

    This innovative Grid Diary app simplifies daily life management on your Android device. Its intuitive interface and customizable templates make planning and reviewing your activities effortless. The straightforward page layout feels like a physical notebook, enhanced with mood tracking and goal-se

  • 70's Quiz Game
    70's Quiz Game

    Puzzle 丨 31.70M

    Step back in time and test your knowledge of the 1970s with the 70's Quiz Game! This free, addictive game offers a groovy trip down memory lane, covering everything from classic arcade games and iconic rock stars to popular TV shows and more. No complicated rules or registrations are needed – just

  • High School Party Craft: Story
    High School Party Craft: Story

    Simulation 丨 52.50M

    Dive into the electrifying world of High School Party Craft: Story! This app lets you craft the ultimate high school party experience, filled with romance, friendships, and unforgettable moments. Build your dream party from the ground up, invite friends, even hire a real DJ – the possibilities are

  • Amazing WORD Gumbal
    Amazing WORD Gumbal

    Puzzle 丨 11.90M

    Dive into the vibrant world of Gumball with Amazing WORD Gumball, the exciting new app for fans of the hit animated TV show! This engaging game challenges players to identify hidden character names within colorful scenes from the show. With levels ranging from beginner-friendly to expert-level chal

  • Belt It
    Belt It

    Puzzle 丨 88.10M

    Ready to test your problem-solving prowess? BeltIt is the challenging puzzle game you've been searching for! Your mission: strategically connect conveyor belts to keep goods flowing smoothly and maintain system stability. From easy introductions to the notoriously tricky pink level, BeltIt is dec

  • Ultimate Juggling
    Ultimate Juggling

    Action 丨 32.20M

    Experience the thrill of juggling with Ultimate Juggling! Test your skills and coordination with a variety of challenges and patterns. Choose from juggling balls, rings, and clubs, selecting the equipment and difficulty level that suits your abilities. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, th

  • Super Dan's World - Run Game
    Super Dan's World - Run Game

    Action 丨 66.80M

    Join Dan on an epic adventure in Super Dan's World – Run Game! This retro-style platformer challenges you to rescue the princess from mysterious lands teeming with super monsters. Stunning graphics and intuitive controls make for smooth gameplay. Jump, run, and shoot your way through challenging l

  • Guzheng Connect: Tuner & Notes Detector
    Guzheng Connect: Tuner & Notes Detector

    Music 丨 19.00M

    Guzheng Connect: Tuner & Notes Detector – Your Pocket Guzheng Virtuoso! Tired of hauling your Guzheng everywhere? Guzheng Connect puts the power of a 21-string Guzheng right in your pocket! Jam anytime, anywhere, effortlessly playing riffs, tabs, and chords. This app is perfect for both beginners

  • Dog racing games - dog game 3d
    Dog racing games - dog game 3d

    Simulation 丨 24.50M

    Experience the thrill of competitive dog racing like never before! This innovative 3D dog racing game lets you become the ultimate champion alongside your loyal canine companion. Choose from a range of adorable dog breeds, each with unique strengths, and train them to victory across diverse race t

  • Magic Aladdin Piano Tiles
    Magic Aladdin Piano Tiles

    Music 丨 24.60M

    Experience the magic of Disney's Aladdin (2019) with the captivating Magic Aladdin Piano Tiles game! This musical adventure puts the enchanting songs of Aladdin right at your fingertips. Tap the falling tiles in rhythm to the music and feel like a true piano virtuoso as your fingers dance across th

  • Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
    Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-

    Role Playing 丨 128.58M

    Embark on a perilous journey into the depths of merciless warfare in Buriedbornes - Hardcore RPG, a challenging dungeon crawler offering an immersive and demanding gaming experience. Carefully select your hero, equipment, and skills to conquer formidable foes in turn-based combat. Strategic thinkin

  • Paladin's Story: Offline RPG
    Paladin's Story: Offline RPG

    Strategy 丨 77.80M

    Experience an epic medieval fantasy adventure with Paladin's Story: Offline RPG! Play as a brave paladin, battling fearsome orcs threatening to ravage the land. Engage in thrilling sword fights, unleash devastating combos, and protect the realm. With 150+ quests and hundreds of legendary items to

  • Wibu Elite: Tebak Lagu, Anime, dan Karakternya
    Wibu Elite: Tebak Lagu, Anime, dan Karakternya

    Puzzle 丨 16.20M

    Wibu Elite: Tebak Lagu, Anime, dan Karakternya 是一款趣味十足的简单益智游戏,你将根据应用中显示的问题来猜测动漫标题或角色名称。别指望任何提示或图片来帮助你,你必须依靠你对动漫的了解来回答这些独特而有趣的问题。数百个古怪而有趣的谜题将带给你无尽的乐趣,挑战你的知识极限。从荒诞可笑的问题到根据图片猜测角色,这款应用是所有动漫爱好者不容错过的选择! Wibu Elite: Tebak Lagu, Anime, dan Karakternya 的特色: 独特而荒诞的趣味问答题: 用数百个独特而荒诞的趣味问答题来测试你的知识,即使是最资深的动漫迷也会面

  • Tile Triple Master:Block Match
    Tile Triple Master:Block Match

    Puzzle 丨 24.70M

    TileTripleMaster: Block Match 是一款引人入胜的益智类消除游戏,它将挑战你的大脑,让你乐在其中!游戏玩法简单易懂,只需匹配 3 个相同的瓷砖,即可观看它们消失。随着你挑战超过 1000 个关卡,你将遇到更具挑战性的难题,考验你的技巧,让你时刻保持警觉。注意你的瓷砖堆栈不要填满,因为这会妨碍你获胜。但别担心,助推器可以给你第二次机会!TileTripleMaster: Block Match 适用于所有年龄段,随时随地都可以玩,是任何喜欢益智游戏的人的完美选择。准备好成为终极瓷砖大师吧! TileTripleMaster: Block Match 的特色: 简单的游

  • BTS Army - Guess the Member
    BTS Army - Guess the Member

    Puzzle 丨 28.60M

    Test your BTS knowledge with BTS Army - Guess the Member! This game is perfect for all levels of BTS fans, from seasoned K-pop enthusiasts to newcomers. Enjoy addictive quizzes like "Guess the BTS Member" and "Guess the BTS Song by Lyrics" – each one a challenging and fun experience. There's no tim

  • Wheel & Spin Lite
    Wheel & Spin Lite

    Puzzle 丨 18.20M

    Experience the thrill of the Wheel of Fortune with Wheel & Spin Lite! This app lets you create personalized wheels, adjusting the segments to your liking. It saves your last creation and allows for multiple wheels, ensuring endless fun. Simply input your options and the number of segments, spin th


    Sports 丨 71.00M

    Experience the thrill of realistic golf anytime, anywhere with CHAMPION'S GOLF! This top-rated mobile game delivers a stunning 3D golfing experience playable with one hand. Enjoy the calming sounds of nature and beautifully rendered graphics that change with the seasons. Customize your golfer and e

  • Bolt Blast
    Bolt Blast

    Casual 丨 79.5 MB

    Master the art of unscrewing tricky wood nuts and bolts! Test your brainpower with Bolt Blast: Wood Puzzle Screw, a challenging and engaging puzzle game. Each level presents a simple yet captivating challenge: remove all the wooden plates without getting stuck. This isn't your average screw puzzle

  • Checho and the Ham Sandwich
    Checho and the Ham Sandwich

    Adventure 丨 23.2 MB

    elp Checho get money to buy a giant ham sandwich! Checho has decided to start a beverage business to make money to buy the 'Super Giant Sandwich' they sell in the bakery. Help Checho start his business and sell as many drinks as he can! What's New in the Latest Version 1.0

  • Tank Hero
    Tank Hero

    Arcade 丨 9.9 MB

    Experience intense 3D tank combat on your Android device! Become the ultimate Tank Hero by battling through challenging arenas. Equip yourself with cannons, heat-seekers, and howitzers to eliminate cunning enemies. Key Features: Conquer over 120 levels of tank warfare. Engage in battles across 3
