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Trailer Park Boys, Cheech & Chong and Bud Farm to cross over in the ultimate stoner gaming collab

作者 : Lillian 更新日期:Jan 22,2025

Get Ready for the Ultimate Stoner Crossover! Trailer Park Boys and Cheech & Chong Unite in a Trippy Game Collaboration!

East Side Games' Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money, LDRLY Games' Cheech & Chong: Bud Farm, and Bud Farm Idle Tycoon are joining forces in a monumental crossover event for fans of stoner comedy.

Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys will invade Cheech & Chong: Bud Farm, and the iconic duo will return the favor by appearing in Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money. To top it all off, both crews will be available in Bud Farm Idle Tycoon. Players can add these beloved characters to their rosters in all three games.

For those unfamiliar, Trailer Park Boys, a Canadian mockumentary series, and the comedy duo Cheech & Chong are both legendary for their cannabis-infused humor. This crossover is being hailed as the ultimate stoner collaboration.


While some might find the "stoner" persona cliché, this collaboration offers a fun and lighthearted experience for gamers, regardless of their personal preferences.

The crossover kicks off with Cheech & Chong's arrival in Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money on November 21st, followed by the Trailer Park Boys' appearance in Cheech & Chong: Bud Farm on November 22nd. Both groups will debut in Bud Farm Idle Tycoon on November 7th. Don't miss out!

In the meantime, be sure to vote for your favorite games in the Pocket Gamer Awards 2024!

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