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Mapulator - GPS Field Measure

Mapulator - GPS Field Measure

分类:工具 大小:13.60M 版本号:9.1.18

开发者:LogiSian 评分:4.1 更新日期:Mar 17,2025

Mapulator:您的基本GPS现场测量应用程序!无论您是测量师,农民还是徒步旅行者,Mapulator都使用五种用于区域,距离和半径计算的多功能工具简化了测量。 Enjoy customizable line styles, multiple map views (satellite, terrain, street), and real-time GPS tracking for instant, accurate results.轻松出口并分享您的项目。 Download Mapulator today for precise and convenient measuring!

Mapulator Features:

Comprehensive Measurement Suite: Five tools cover all your measurement needs, including area, distance, and radius calculations.

Personalized Measurement Appearance: Customize line width, color, and fill color to match your preferences.

Flexible Map Views: Choose from satellite, terrain, or street view for optimal visualization.

Real-time GPS Tracking: GPS Live tracking provides live calculations as you move.


Organized Multi-Layer Projects: Utilize multiple layers to keep your measurements organized and clear.

Precise Location Targeting: Use the location search to easily find specific points for accurate measurements.

Effortless Project Sharing: Export and share your projects seamlessly with others.


Mapulator is an intuitive and powerful app for precise field measurements. Its comprehensive tools, customization options, and real-time capabilities make it an invaluable asset for professionals and hobbyists alike. Download Mapulator now and experience the ease and efficiency of precise on-the-go measuring!

Mapulator - GPS Field Measure应用截图第0张
Mapulator - GPS Field Measure应用截图第1张
Mapulator - GPS Field Measure应用截图第2张
Mapulator - GPS Field Measure应用截图第3张
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