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Original-FCC Speed Test

Original-FCC Speed Test

分类:通讯 大小:37.00M 版本号:3.1.4876

开发者:FCCAPPs 评分:4.4 更新日期:Dec 20,2024


Introducing the FCC Speed Test app, a powerful tool designed to enhance the accuracy of broadband coverage maps in the United States. As part of the FCC's Broadband Data Collection and Measuring Broadband America programs, this app empowers users to conduct tests, assess their connection speed, and challenge wireless coverage claims. With features like automatic test scheduling, data usage monitoring, and test result storage, users can effortlessly track their broadband performance over time. By utilizing the FCC Speed Test app, users actively contribute to the FCC's mission of providing accurate and transparent broadband performance metrics. Download the app today and play a vital role in improving mobile coverage across America.

Features of this app:

  • Speed Test Mode: Users can execute tests to evaluate their connection speed and performance.
  • Challenge Mode: Users can challenge wireless coverage claims, contributing to the FCC's Broadband Map's accuracy.
  • Test Scheduler: Users can schedule periodic automatic background tests or manually initiate tests.
  • Data Usage Monitoring: Users can monitor their data usage and set a monthly data usage cap to avoid exceeding their limit.
  • Test Results Storage: Users can store test results for comparison over time, tracking improvements.
  • Data Export: Users can export a .zip file containing data collected during tests, along with additional passive data supported by their device.


By utilizing the FCC Speed Test app, users can contribute to improving the accuracy and availability of data on broadband services in the United States. The app offers a range of features to assist users in testing their connection speed, challenging wireless coverage, monitoring data usage, and storing test results. These contributions aid the FCC in creating more precise broadband coverage maps and fulfilling its mandate to collect and make publicly available transparent performance metrics on U.S. broadband services. Users can download the app to actively participate in improving and expanding broadband access across America.

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用户评价 发表评价
भारत Jan 13,2025

यह ऐप मेरे इंटरनेट की गति को सही ढंग से मापता है। उपयोग में आसान और जानकारीपूर्ण है।

NetNinja Feb 08,2025

Useful app for checking internet speed. Simple to use, but the results could be more detailed.

ネット速度 Jan 30,2025


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