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作者 : Mia 更新日期:Feb 19,2025


掌握 王國的骰子遊戲:拯救2 :獲取所有徽章的指南

王國來的骰子遊戲:Deliverance 2 提供了積累Groschen的有利可圖的機會,尤其是在利用戰略優勢時。本指南詳細介紹了遊戲中所有31個徽章的收購。

Tin Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles points from your last roll (once per game).TBD
Tin Badge of HeadstartProvides a small point advantage at the game's start.TBD
Tin Badge of DefenceNeutralizes the effects of your opponent's Tin badges.TBD
Tin Badge of FortuneAllows re-rolling one die (once per game).TBD
Tin Badge of MightAdds an extra die to your roll (once per game).TBD
Tin Badge of TransmutationChanges a die to a 3 after your roll (once per game).TBD
Carpenter’s Badge of Advantage3+5 combination forms a "Cut" (repeatable).TBD
Tin Warlord’s Badge25% point bonus for the current turn (once per game).Looted from Ursula’s Mother during "All’s Fair" quest.
Tin Badge of ResurrectionAllows a re-roll after an unsuccessful throw (once per game).TBD
Silver Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles points from your last roll (twice per game).Looted from a soldier on the Trosky Castle balcony during "Storm" quest.
Silver Badge of HeadstartProvides a moderate point advantage at the game's start.TBD
Silver Badge of DefenceNeutralizes the effects of your opponent's Silver badges.TBD
Silver Swap-Out BadgeRe-roll one die of your choice after your roll (once per game).TBD
Silver Badge of FortuneRe-roll up to two dice (once per game).TBD
Silver Badge of MightAdds an extra die to your roll (twice per game).TBD
Silver Badge of TransmutationChanges a die to a 5 after your roll (once per game).TBD
Executioner’s Badge of Advantage4+5+6 combination forms a "Gallows" (repeatable).TBD
Silver Warlord’s Badge50% point bonus for the current turn (once per game).Looted from the Scribe’s Chambers in Trosky Castle during "Storm" quest; also found in a hard lockpick chest in Hendi von Grolle’s room during "The Fifth Commandment" quest.
Silver Badge of ResurrectionAllows a re-roll after an unsuccessful throw (twice per game).TBD
Silver King’s BadgeAdds an extra die to your roll (twice per game).TBD
Gold Doppelganger BadgeDoubles points from your last roll (thrice per game).TBD
Gold Badge of HeadstartProvides a significant point advantage at the game's start.TBD

防禦金徽章中和對手的金徽章的影響。 tbd> tbd 黃金交換徽章在卷後重新滾動兩個相同值的骰子(一次game)。 tbd 財富的金徽章 重新滾動最多三個骰子(一次每場比賽)。 tbd Migh Might 的金徽章添加了額外的模具(每次三次game)。在“ ill pehute”任務中,從浴室老板亞當辦公室的一個硬鎖胸部搶劫。 transmontmot的金徽章在您的擲骰後(一次一次)。優勢1 3 5組合形成“眼”(可重複)。當前轉彎(每場一次一次)加倍點。複活允許在失敗後重新滾動(每場比賽三次)。<tbd 金皇帝的徽章 1 1 1構成的三元點(可重複)。婚禮徽章重新滾動最多三個骰子(一次每場比賽)。<在與客棧老板Betty的骰子遊戲中獲勝。本指南將被更新為發現了更多位置。要進一步 王國來:拯救2 提示和信息,包括浪漫選擇和最佳的振作選擇,請谘詢逃避企業。

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