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Transformers: Reactivate Canceled by Splash Damage

作者 : Ryan 更新日期:Jan 23,2025

Transformers: Reactivate Canceled by Splash Damage

Splash Damage has officially canceled its Transformers: Reactivate project after a prolonged and difficult development process. This news follows a cryptic trailer reveal at The Game Awards 2022, which showcased a 1-4 player online game featuring Autobots and Decepticons uniting against a new alien threat. While initial leaks suggested a Generation 1 roster (Ironhide, Hot Rod, Starscream, Soundwave, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee) and potentially Beast Wars characters, the game will never see release.

The cancellation announcement on Splash Damage's Twitter expressed the difficult nature of the decision and acknowledged potential staff layoffs due to restructuring. The studio thanked both the development team and Hasbro for their contributions. Fan reaction has been varied, with some expressing disappointment while others anticipated the cancellation given the lack of updates since the 2022 trailer.

Splash Damage is now focusing its resources on "Project Astrid," a AAA open-world survival game developed with Unreal Engine 5, announced in March 2023 in collaboration with streamers Shroud and Sacriel. This shift in focus, however, will unfortunately result in job losses within the studio. The cancellation leaves Transformers fans still yearning for a high-quality, AAA Transformers game.

Key takeaways:

  • Transformers: Reactivate canceled: Development halted after significant challenges.
  • Staff layoffs: Potential job losses due to the project's cancellation and resource reallocation.
  • Focus shifted to Project Astrid: A AAA open-world survival game using Unreal Engine 5.

Produced By Hasbro and Takara Tomy

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