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Bloom&Rage Trophy Roundup:解鎖隱藏的成就

作者 : Lillian 更新日期:Feb 21,2025

解鎖 丟失記錄的奧秘:Bloom&Rage :全麵的獎杯指南





A character with a camcorder from Lost Records: Bloom & Rage

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**Trophy****Unlock Condition****Rank**
BLOOMComplete ‘Tape 1’Gold
Blank TapeFilm a Memoir unrelated to the main story.Bronze
Home MovieComplete all footage for a Collectable Memoir.Bronze
Double FeatureCollect footage and complete 20% of Collectable Memoirs.Bronze
Collector’s EditionCollect footage and complete 50% of Collectable Memoirs.Silver
Directorial DebutWatch any completed Memoir using the camcorder.Bronze
Memory RemixReplace a clip of footage with the camcorder.Bronze
EditorEdit Memoir footage using the camcorder.Bronze
Director’s CutWatch and edit a completed Memoir using the camcorder.Bronze
Documentary FilmmakerReplay a scene and record something new with the camcorder.Bronze
Cinema ParadisoFavorite 10 pieces of footage using the heart icon on the camcorder.Bronze
Producer’s CutDelete footage using the camcorder.Bronze
Silent ProtagonistRemain silent during three conversations.Bronze
Schrodinger’s CatName Swann’s cat.Bronze
Geez-o-MeowPet Swann’s cat on two different days.Bronze
Once More, With FeelingSelect objects (past or present) ten times to reminisce.Bronze
Butterfly EffectMake a choice altering the main storyline.Bronze
Gordon, it’s 10:10amCheck the clock in Swann’s room at 10:10am.Bronze
Chekhov’s GunExamine Autumn’s bag containing the mysterious package.Bronze
Dub and DubberImitate Dylan and Corey or Nora and Autumn.Bronze
Critical RollRoll the D20 until you get a 20.Bronze
Patient ZeroInteract with the peanuts on the countertop.Bronze
MOO!Turn the moo box until you hear its contents.Bronze
HeartbreakBreak the Lovelock.Bronze
JusantComplete a cairn.Bronze
Here’s MaryRepeat Bloody Mary.Bronze
Lights OutTurn off the power in Chapter 24.Bronze


**Trophy****Unlock Condition****Rank**
New BeginningsComplete “Autumn Lockheart, 1995”.Bronze
The AbyssComplete “The Abyss”.Bronze
The Last NoteComplete “…& Rage”.Bronze

Four characters in the woods in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage

圖像通過playstation.com <

Tape 2獎杯指南(2025年後期提供):


**Trophy****Unlock Condition****Rank**
RAGEComplete ‘Tape 2’Gold
Complete BoxsetComplete all Collectable Memoirs.Gold
Screening RoomUse the TV to play the concert video.Bronze
I’ll see you again in 27 yearsCall the wrong number.Bronze
90s ChicChange outfits where possible.Bronze
Nailed it!Try all the shapes on the pin screen.Bronze
Eye See YouFind all the images in the Magic Eye book.Bronze
Dear DiaryExamine all the items in Swann’s spot.Bronze
Un-UnpackingPack in less than three minutes.Bronze
Heart EventFind Pam’s book.Bronze
Free SpiritGive Gertie love.Bronze


丟失的記錄:Bloom&Rage當前可在PlayStation 5,Xbox係列X | S和PC上找到。

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