Batalha de BattleOku, Amultiplayerversion, que você está empenhado em queda, quendolóvesuas, ewanttoplayagainsafrinha? lla9 × 9GridWithDigitsSotheachColumn, cada vez, e eactofthenina3 × 3SubGrids (Caixas alsocalas "," blocos ", ou" regiões ") contêm-se a linha de dados, que não serem membros da linhação em número. 6.onsesia seasi-lacsomenosThesUsUDOKU-GRIDO QUALQUER PLAYERSMUSTOSOLVEMATEMETEMETEMEMENTO Canplay.themodeSconFiguleIntheGameOptions e discos: "ShowTheCorrectNumbersOfyouroppon" .ThisOptionMeansthateveryNumbertisadded, devolução, não é possível que seja o renovado ToplacetheSameNumber que eles foram lançados por um player.ThisMeaSyoumustBethefirToneToHaveanBrectoreCormos a termos de pontos besedtoforplayerstoearnpointswith.Time-OutswhenAplayerplacesanumberthePuzzLethatisNotCorrect, this playerreCeivesatime-out.He/sheisnotableToexecutionActionActime-setime-theOtherPlayersComan-bate-senumbers beconfigurousshegameoptions.thefefaultissetto30Seconds.PointSwheneveryouhavePlacedanumberCorrectlyyouwilleLearNpoints.theamountOfpointSyoucanoEarnis baseou -se em tendência a seguir, a parte de dezziouHouHoveselected.WHELETHELELEVELENSELHEPONDOUNOWARANEARELO NforeachcorrectNumber.wowever, ifyouplaceanIncorrectNumber, youwilllosePoints.theamountOfpointSishalthTheamountOfPointSyComanearnEnwheveditCorrectly.winningThegameGameGamendSwhentHepuzzlehasbeensoledAndallnumbersAcherehithInThend egridcorrectly.Thepersonthathasearnedthemostpoints,winsthegame.Ifyouhavedisabledtheoptiontoviewthecorrectnumbersofotherplayers,thegameendswhenONEplayerhasfoundthesolution.Notethatthisdoesnotgiveanyextrapointstothatplayer,soother PlayersArestillableTowinTheGameWheyMesessistaMISTAKESTHANPERNSTENSOLVEDIDO.TEMPLAYVSIDULDUAL PlayThisGameHasaspecialTeamPlayOptionThatlowstwoteamstocompeteaGainsteachOthethe.WhenJoiningAgame, YouCanseLetyourTeamam (12) MinimumoftwoplayershavesinouneoftheTwoteamTheyareparttHtatheM.Comodando a ereção em que você está sendo considerada portações de intensidade IquestocompletethePuzuzzleasAteam.ToolsForSolving Underthepuzzle, AtoolBarisAvailableThatyouCanusetosolVeteptepzuzzLeanddDpessonHintSenda eCloTeptratedFuzzlegrid.TheTetoolSeeaso Segundo seguintes On.IfitisEnabled, thepen-iconlitsUpAndenablesthepen/Notes-Mode.SelectTheNumberyouwantouseMeMakingNotes e clickonanenmempysquareinthepuzzleGrid.amini-numberisaddedtothatsquare.ifyousetanOtherNumber eClickEnThesameSquare EotherNumberisadded ATHESAMESQUARE.IFYOUSEASMOM-NumberTisalreadysHownThatSquare, Itwillberemovedenthathatsquare.-Fillmodethepaint-ButtoniconisusedOnableFill-Mode.whishisbuttoniClicked, TheFillmodeSenabillingwlickings quareinthepuzzle.Youcanclickonanysquare(alsothesolvedones)tochangethebackgroundcolorofthesquare.What'sNewintheLatestVersion1.1.40LastupdatedonSep17,2024-AllSupportedgames:OneWordPhotoOneWordClueGuessThePictureBeaQuizMasterWhat's O que pode servir de todos os amigoszombos vshumanJewelbattleroombingowithyurfriendSonePlayerGameseyouamathgenius? PESTENWITHCARDSBARDSTATEFSUDOKUFINDRESTIRNHOWORDSTHIRTTYWITHTIDESMEXWITHDICESSWORDMASSMINDMINDOMINDASMIDERNHOWORDASTHIRTHISTIDOSDOSMOMMEXDICESSWITHDICESMASTRAMMINDMINDMINDMINDMINDMINDMINDMINDMIDRAM

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