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Kategoria:Wydajność Rozmiar:12.00M Wersja:2.1.14

Wskaźnik:4.5 Aktualizacja:Dec 10,2024

Opis aplikacji

Introducing the USA2GEORGIA app! Now, you can easily manage your packages right at your fingertips. With this robust and user-friendly app, you can check the status of your packages, declare a package, upload invoices, make payments, and access a unique barcode to instantly obtain your package at our office. You can also request delivery service, forward your package to a locker, check package arrival times, and access our FAQ section. All of this can be done conveniently from your iPhone or Android phone. Download the USA2GEORGIA app today and enjoy the convenience of managing your shipping needs.

Features of this App:

  • Package Status Check: Users can easily check the status of their packages using this app. This feature provides real-time updates on the location and delivery progress of the packages.
  • Package Declaration: Users can declare their packages through the app, making it convenient and efficient. This feature eliminates the need for manual declaration forms and allows users to provide all the necessary information through the app.
  • Package Invoice Upload: Users can upload package invoices directly through the app. This feature simplifies the process of submitting invoices and ensures that all documentation is easily accessible.
  • Payment Processing: Users can make payments through the app for their packages. This feature provides a secure and convenient method of payment, eliminating the need for manual transactions or visiting a physical location.
  • Access to Unique Barcode: Users can access a unique barcode through the app, which allows them to instantly obtain their packages at the company's office. This feature speeds up the pickup process and provides a seamless experience for users.
  • Additional Services: Users can request delivery services, forward packages to a locker, check package arrival times, and access the app's frequently asked questions section. These additional services enhance the overall user experience and provide more flexibility in managing packages.


The USA2GEORGIA app offers a range of robust and user-friendly features that allow users to easily manage their packages. With features like package status check, package declaration, invoice upload, payment processing, unique barcode access, and additional services, the app provides a convenient and efficient solution for managing shipping needs. Available on both iPhone and Android, this app is designed to be easy to use and appealing to users, attracting them to click and download. It serves as a reliable companion for USA2GEORGIA customers, providing them with a comprehensive tool to track, manage, and receive their packages seamlessly.

Zrzut ekranu
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