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Dead Cells\' final two updates delayed, but will release early next year

Autor : Nora Aktualizacja:Jan 23,2025

Dead Cells Mobile's final free content updates delayed, but now have a release date!

The highly anticipated final two free updates for Dead Cells on mobile, "Clean Cut" and "The End is Near," have been pushed back. However, developer Playdigious has confirmed a new release date: February 18th, 2025. Both updates will arrive simultaneously on Android and iOS.

These updates, already released on PC and consoles, introduce a wealth of new content. "Clean Cut" features:

  • Two new weapons: the Sewing Scissors (survival-focused) and the Giant Comb (brutality-focused).
  • A new NPC, the Tailor's Daughter, allowing customization of your character's head appearance.
  • And much more!

"The End is Near" brings:

  • New enemies: the Sore Loser, Curser, and Doom Bringer.
  • New skills and colorless mutations, including Demonic Strength (a 30% damage boost when cursed, increasing with curse stacks).


A fitting finale to free updates

Playdigious deserves commendation for consistently delivering free updates to Dead Cells. While the end of these free updates was initially met with some disappointment, the substantial amount of free content added over the years justifies the studio's decision to move on to other projects.

For newcomers to Dead Cells, a warm welcome! Be sure to check out our Dead Cells weapon tier list to prepare for the challenges ahead. The final updates are now set for February 18th, 2025.

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