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Baby Panda' s House Cleaning

Baby Panda' s House Cleaning

Kategoria:Edukacyjny Rozmiar:82.6 MB Wersja:

Wskaźnik:2.6 Aktualizacja:Mar 09,2025

Opis aplikacji

CleanTheroom, itingfigerator ithebathroom.leT'Scleanthehouse! To theShouse CleaningdayfortheBaByPanda'sfamily.mydears, getyourToolsandhelptheBabipandacleanthehhouse! LetscleantheInteriorfirst! MelttheiceWithaHairdryer.w ipeUpTheWaterBefreforettingThesortedDrinks, mięso i wegetablesintotherefigerator.SuckuptheBugSwithavacuumCleaner, andthencleanToileTWithDetergentDisinFectant., FixtheWaterPipeandflushalltheFiltheseWer.n ext, CleanTheyard! WeedtheParterReandplantasapling.RemovetheTeBrokenlevessfromtrawberryPlantBefforetilizing.TheBaBypandawillBleToenjoeatingStrawerTheTreteeinnotime! urządzenia LingtheBaBypandacleanthehouse! BabybusgivesyouthisBadGeAgift! Funkcje : -5cleaningscenarios: Kuchnia, łazienka, podwórko, salon, kulek.-Over40cleaningTasksForkidStolearhouseCleaning.-4puzzlesWithlesWithousleable Graphics.Bout Babybus ————— Atbabybus, Wededicateourselsparkingkids' Creativity, ImaginationandCuriosity i designingourproductshroughtheKids'pectiveToHemexploreTheWorldontheirown.nowbabyBufoffersawidevarietietietiety, vi deosandothereducacjonationContent FOROOROOROOROLILILILIONFANSFROMAGES0-8AUNDTHEWORLD! Wehavereleasedever200ChildrenSeducationalApps, ponad 2500 EpisodeseryRhymesandanimationsofvarioushemessanthantingThealing the Language, Society , Science, ArtandotherFields .—————— Kontakt: [email protected]: http: //www.babybus.com What'Snewinthelatestversion9.83.00.00lastupdatedonNovonnov29,2024 细节优化 提升用户体验【联系我们】公众号 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

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