ひらがなカタカナ漢字練習 幼児知育ゲームアプリすくすくプラス
Categorie:Educatief Maat:244.2 MB Versie:3.7.0
Tarief:3.7 Update:Mar 09,2025

Touch en PracticemojikazufreeeducationalgameaMappfortoddlersAndkidStHatCanBeUSBeUssedforeducationalLearningChildRenaged2,3,3,4,5, en 6canlearnandstudyhiraganaAndanAndaLementary -schoolschool NalgameAppForchildRentiaged2,3,4,5 en 6thatAllowShemtopracticeHiraganaandkatakana, Kanjiforfirstgraden, en learnnumbersandshapeshapesHhileHavingFun.TereearemanyEducationalGamesthatyoungchildrencanplay, Practice, en leer zichzelf, zo te tellen, tellen, hiraganatracing en Katakanatracing. ■ Aanbevelingeninfants, kinderen en KidSaged2,3,4,5 en 6Yearsold ■ kenmerken van deFreeeducationalGameApp "sukusukuplus" educatio Nalgamesforsuuji, Hiragana, Katakana, en Vocabularyaretaughtinadrillformat WhileHavingFun.TereearEleareplypertyOfElementStokeepchildentained! Vollofcuteillustraties, voedsel, voedsel, voertuigen, enz. Hchildren.Nurturingchildren's Motivation metDetailedDifficultysettings andCompletedStickers. ■ EducationalGameskazukazoe, Kazutsunagi, Kazukibe, Kazuelabisennatracing, Sujitracing, Mojitracing, Hiraganatracing, Hirraa, Hiraa Hiraa. Ganabasics, KatakanatracingtentsUNAGI, Let'sRememberTheWords, let'sfindaFriendyoucanLearnwithmanyeducationalGamessuchasinthefuture, WeplantoaddeducationalGamesuchaskanji, lezen, en counting, wiLHELHELPYYOULAYOULEA rnfromcratch. ■ EducationalWorkCategoryMoji: JapanEselanguageWorkRelatedTolettersandWords, SuchAsreadingAndingAndWritingHiraganaAndkatakanakazu: ArithmeticWorkRelatedTonumberssuchasReadingAndingAndingNumbers, Counting, a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a A dditionandsubTractionchie: workthatDevelopgeneralCommonsensuchastimeandsons, aswellasthinkingskillssuchasDrawingAnding. ■ OverdifficultyLevelChick: Hiragana (lezen), nummers (upto10), to10), tou1 Racticerabbit: Hiragana (schrijven), nummers (TOTO100) en GroupingPracticekitsune: Katakana, deeltjes, toevoeging (1Digit) en orderpracticekuma: Katakana, ReadingsENTences, Subtraction (1Digit), RegerityPracticelion: Kan Ji, Writingssentences, Toevoeging, aftrekking (2Digits), RedeningPracticeYoucanLearnawidevarietyOfthings, fromBasicandMathProblemStopatternsandshapes. ■ FunctionForParentSviewingAndTimerestrictionSonchildren'SplayHi story■Multi-userUpto5peoplecancreateaccountsCanbeplayedonmultipledevicesatthesametime■AboutfeesforusingtheappTheeducationalappSukusukuPlusiscurrentlyavailableforfree.Allcontentisavailablebysubscribingtothep AIDSUKUSUKUPLAN. ■ AANBEVOLENForthoselookingforasmalLappthatwillHelpchildren'seducationalDevelopment. ・ Iwanttoexposechildrentoletters, cijfers, enwisdomfromanearlyage. ・ iwantmychildentepupandLeByli ttleaspartoftHeirintellectualEducationataround2,3,4,5, en 6Yearsold. ・ iwantchilDrentonaturallyLearnkOKUgoGoyAmaththroughplay. ・ IwanttoHelPtHemunderStandwhilePlayingWhilePlayingWithwordssuchAnganaNdAndakana. StudentenLearnHowtocount, Suchasaddition en subtraction. ・ IwantchilDrentoengageInactivitivitiesthatleadtowisdom, Suchasmemorizing, kiezen, andreasioning. ・ IwantchilDrentoleAghthoroughthoroughly WHOLYPLAYING. DucationalApp "sukusukuplus" sukusukupluswasdevelopedBypiyolog, achildCarerecordApp, en is ontwikkeld met deideathititcouldSupportChildren'SintellectualDevelopmentThroughanAppduring hun GfunPlayingGames, YoulnaturallyBeableTowritehiragana, Katakana en Numbers, Begrijpshapesandpatterns, en AcquirewisdomisdomThroughMemorization enSelection.wehopethopethatyouwillfindithelpfulinyourChild's Development.

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