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Polandball: Not Safe For World

Polandball: Not Safe For World

범주:평상복 크기:69.3 MB 버전:1.08.9

비율:3.5 업데이트:Mar 10,2025

애플리케이션 설명

Howmanysecondsofworldpeacanyouprotect?하자! Yother) Theworldisindanger, Riotersrioting, Terrorists Terrorising, Zombieszombieing.americatheworldpolicejustinviteyoutobehissidekick.onl yyou, cansavetheworldandbringworldpeace, youarethechosenone, youaretheone withpassionandkindnessand thewillofjustice 및 becauseamer ICALACKSOFAPARTNERTODOGODCOPBADCOPSTUFF.SO, let pressthenuclearButton, and neutralizeallevilnations, 조정 !!! Thegameplayissimple, y ourolltheearthtofindcountrieswithproblems, and thenattacketheyhavenoproblem.youhavetodoitbeforeglobalhappinessorpuculationgett oolow.youcanchoose3weapons (전체 13fornow) inonegame.youlovepolandball? whenyouwilllovethisgame. == q/a == Q : WhySpolandflagupSidedown? a : b ecausepolandisupsidedown.q : whatdoyoumean "polandisupsidedown"? FELOW.A : thisnotaquestion.what 'snewinthelatestestion1.08.9lastupdatedonsep3,2024minoroptimizationupdateforgoogleplayversionpolicy

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Polandball: Not Safe For World 스크린샷 1
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