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Not Exactly A Hero: Story Game

Not Exactly A Hero: Story Game

범주:행동 크기:72.40M 버전:1.1.2

개발자:Buff Studio Co.,Ltd. 비율:4.2 업데이트:Mar 08,2025

애플리케이션 설명

StepIntotheshoesofriley, theeverycitizenturnedsubstiteAgentinnotexactlyahero : Story-Game.thissisvisualnovel-styleadventuregamegameoffersafreshtepicalsuperheronarriation, 초점을 맞추기 위원장 behindthescenes.withple ntyofquirkypersonalitiestomeetandinteractwith with with that thatultimate oftecomeftestory.withmultipleroutes, Endings, andacheievementStounlock, earyplayphoughfeelslikeanwexperience.ifyouenjoychoice -BasedGamesandBuildingConnectionswithHaracters, this free-to-playgameissuretokeepyouneedeforhoursonend.featuresofnotexactlyahero : story-game : -uiqueprotagomer : playasriley, aneverycitizeninasuperherherouniverse, navigatingthech Allengesofsupportingasuperhero'SeverydayActivities. richrelationships : rativersecastofCharacters, astrassed-stoaquirkeybabtruckguy, and watchyoochoicesimpactyourlationshipthem.-replayvalue : multiplerou와의 관계 TES, ENDINGS, 및 DECISIONPOINTS, EARTHPLAYTHOWELSFERSHANDOFFERSANEWEXPERIENCE.-INMESTRIGUINGPLOT : IMMERSEYOURSelfINANOVEL-STYLEDVENTUREGAMEFILDWITHMARVEL-ESQUEHUMORANDSTYLISHILSTRATION.FAQSOFNOTEXACTLYAHORO : StoryGame : -isthisg Amefreetoplay? 예, 'Notexactlyahero'isfreetoplay, how-manyendingsarethereinthome? thereare9differentendingstounlock, plusabonuscompletionistrouteforthoseeseekingachallenge.canibuildconn ectionswithercharactersinthegame? 절대적으로! 상호 작용합니다 inaryindividualinanextraordinaryworld.withitsintriguingplot, richrelationships, andreplayvalue,이 story-drivenadventuregameisuretocaptivatefansofansofansandvisualnovels.embracetheunexpectedmbarkonriley'sourneytoday!

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