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Master of War - Forces of Eo

Master of War - Forces of Eo

범주:카드 크기:69.4 MB 버전:4.501

비율:2.7 업데이트:Mar 11,2025

애플리케이션 설명

thelegendarycard-gameoftheworldofeo, 현재 introllyforandroid! mas Edoftheworldofeo.thisgameisanuncmercialandnonprofitfanproject, theipholdersandreservendstofitsc의 thecopyright를 통해 thegdoesintendtohurtthecopyright ontent.gamedevelopment : it-huskysdevgroupthelegendarycard-gameofthewolrdofeo, nowfinallyforandroid! playagainstthenpc, 또 다른 플레이어로 론 라인. 10.100differentcardsoutof7factionsandmorethan10powerfullspellstosupportthem.manyhoursoftacticalturnbasedgameplayawaityou.basedontheorigi Alofjanwagner, mas Entandfeaturesthenitsoriginalpaperorigin.sincethebeginningoftimetheforces ofeofightingeachotherbitterlytodecidedegulingpowerineo. OnlyAtruemasterofwarhashaswhaswhas hisarmyofchoicetothevictory.doyouhavewhatitneeds? wertoothers.Challengeyouropponentsinmatcheswitchmorethan100differentcardsandmorethan10powerfulmagiccardsonpcorandroid.playagainsttheai, ot HERPLAYERSINTHESYSTEM/DEVICEOROVER (W) LANONDONLINE! proveyourselfingrowingTheranksandbecometruemasterofwar! Inmasterofwar (Forcesofeo) youcanexperiencea10h+longsingleplayercampaign withmanyuniqueBattlestOlyOrarMyAndyOUrtActicalSkills.youwillBeableTogatherAnarmyofall7fa ctionsofeo. "Realm", "Clan", "Pact", "Shaikan", "Undead", "Beasts"및 "Demons".gamefeatures (4.5) :-All7fa의 Customedeck (군대) ctionsofeo (Realm, Clan, Pact, Shaikan, Undead, Beastsanddemons) -over10spell-cards-over100differentunit-cards-playingagamevs.theai-singleplayer StoryCampaign-playingagamevs.ahumanononedevice-playingagamevs.ahumanon (w) lan-playingagamevs.ahumanontheintheinteNet-dynamic-animations-optimi Zedfor720pwithsupportforupto4k-sound & musicevents-rpglevel/ranksystem-swindowsandroidsupportsystemrequirements/support (Android) : Android : 9.0–15 ++ CPU : Qualcommsnapdragon801orbettergpu : Qualcommadreno330orbetterram : 4Gborhigherstorage : 3,8GBFreeInternalStoragesCreen-Resolution (미국 가능) : 2560 (+) X14401920 (+) X10801280 (+) X8001280 (+) X720NeedEdPermissions : InternetAccessSpeakerPermissionHddDddDddReadPermission

Master of War - Forces of Eo 스크린샷 0
Master of War - Forces of Eo 스크린샷 1
Master of War - Forces of Eo 스크린샷 2
Master of War - Forces of Eo 스크린샷 3
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