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Town Life Busy Hospital

Town Life Busy Hospital

Categoria:Educativo Misurare:67.1 MB Versione:8.0.5

Valutare:4.2 Aggiornamento:Mar 09,2025

Descrizione dell'applicazione

PlaytheroleofdoctoToTreatpatientsandTakeCarefthenewborn.NowyoUareadoctor! Inthisbusyclinic, youwillplaytherleroleofanecellentExcellentErtorTreatandcureThepatientswhovisitTheCLecLinic.NowSTroplayTheroleofdifferDoctorsExperienceThwey Ingroutineofthehospitalfromdifferentangles.diythelifestoryofyouridealhospitals! Of course, youcanalsoplaytherleroleofApatient whosekstreatmentfromthedoctor hefirstfloor.fromnowon.youwillbeadoctorandwillserveypatientwhocomeshereIntheclinic.hereErepuckerstretcher, sedia a rotelle di sedia a rotelle di sedia a rotelle toservethecustomer; i pazienti che sono stati messi in contatto per le araccarbanumanumanmakeacuPofcoffethem e leopleoplewhivisitrelatives and friendscanalsolflowersandfruitbasketshere. [Examinate TientsSeekMedicalConsultationandTakePhysicalExamination.Here, youcanalsomeasureyourheight, takebloodtestandtakectandx-rayphotos. [dentaldepartment] On THERIGHTHIGHTHISTHETHESECHTHESECONDUNDFLONDFLOORSFLOORISDENTALCLINIC.HEREEREARESIMULUMEDTOOTHMODEL Ush, oralirrigatoranDotheradVancetoothCleaningequipment.here, dentistwillTreatpatientswhohaveatoothoothe EscanbeunderTheCustOdyofthenny.hereareBathroomShowerroom ForPregnanantwomenandbabies, soit'sconvenientforthortogototheToiletandtaKeashower.nurseryParesallkindSoftOys, ClothDolls, MilkPowderandsMallclothesForBies DucleerealHospitals, esperti di documento e contazioni2.RichsimulatedEpartmentsCeneryInteraction3.Morethan50Charcter, VividfigureImages, espressioni, azioni e feeffects4.Drawandplacelyfreely, OpenWorld, TouchoffSurpising Interactions

Schermata Town Life Busy Hospital 0
Schermata Town Life Busy Hospital 1
Schermata Town Life Busy Hospital 2
Schermata Town Life Busy Hospital 3
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