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3.2.1 / 11.60M
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2.5 / 14.60M
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8.32 / 21.40M
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11.3.580 / 7.40M
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1.0.117 / 8.93M
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7.0.4 / 37.00M
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6.67.1 / 73.90M
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3.1 / 17.70M
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6.3.4 / 15.70M
Gazzetta di ParmaScaricamento
5.3.1611 / 40.60M
Quranic Oasis : read & listenScaricamento
/ 26.70M
Louis Segond French BibleScaricamento
2.1.4 / 22.40M
Quran - Қуръон, Qur'on O'zbekScaricamento
24.03 / 23.60M

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Carta 1.0 / 30.60M
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Carta 78.2 / 47.60M

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