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The Jewels City 2: Match 3

The Jewels City 2: Match 3

Catégorie:Puzzle Taille:82.00M Version:1.1.6

Développeur:TRIPLES.Inc Taux:4.5 Mise à jour:Mar 08,2025

Description de l'application

EmbarkonanExcitingjourneyfullwithvibrantJewelsIntheJewelsCity2: Match3! Withover2,000thillingLevelSandMissions, ThisGameGuaranteesendlessfunforplayersofallalages.ChallengeylofwithTheChalngingHardMode, whereclearing5levelwitheshooo TwithoutmistakesBringsunBelievableSurprises.WithSimplegamePlayMechanics et puissance deboosterstohelpyoualongtheway, theareRenolimitShowMuchyoucanPlay.plus, withsupportfor16Languages, joueurs TiveMatch-ThreepuzzleGameanytime, AnywheredLoLoDNowAnddiveIntoAworldofSparklingGEMSTONS! Features oftheJewelsCity2: Match3: ⭐damicJewelpuzzles: DiveinToover⭐000LevelSofChallengingandnynamicJewelpuzzlentoWillkeepEyouenTerted pour pour pourvoyer SONENnd.⭐Powerfulboosters: Utiliser PowerfulBoosterStoCleanyObstaclesinyourwayAndAchieveHighsCorScoreSinEachlevel.⭐Unlimitedgameplay: Contrairement aux autres. eryouwant.⭐Multi-LanguageSupport: WithSupportFor16Languages, y compris 한국어, anglais, deutsch, et m / m / m / m /. RUNICEJEWELSBYMATCHING4ORMORECOLORSTOCEATESPECIALJEWELSTHATCANCRUSHALLALLALYAUROBSTACLESINOneGO.⭐STRATEDIZEYourMoves: PlanyourMoveScareLyToCreatEpowerFowerCombosthatHatwillhelpyouClearlevelStoryEfficientlyAndearnHinBosthatwhatLhelpyouClearlevelsmoreEfficientlyAndearnHindersCores.⭐utilizespecial Jewels: MakeUseofSpecialJewelStoClearavarityoffUnmissions et OvercomeChalnginglevelvelSwithease.Conclusion: TheJewelsCity⭐match3StheultimateMatch-ThreepuzzlegaMetHatoffersendless awetest WithitthSth MILLSOFDYNAMICLEVELS, puissantboost ers, andunlimitedgameplay.WithSupportFormultiplelanguageSandChalngingGameplay, ThisGameisperfectForplayersofallages andskilllevels.downloadthejewellscity⭐matchNowAndembarkonananAnCitingJourceyfullwithColorfulJewelSandthriledVents!

Capture d'écran
The Jewels City 2: Match 3 Capture d'écran 0
The Jewels City 2: Match 3 Capture d'écran 1
The Jewels City 2: Match 3 Capture d'écran 2
The Jewels City 2: Match 3 Capture d'écran 3
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