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George RR Martin Calls Game of Thrones Show a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms 'As Faithful an Adaptation as a Reasonable Man Could Hope For'

Autor : Allison Actualizar:Mar 17,2025

George RR Martin, author of A Song of Ice and Fire , has declared HBO's A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms a remarkably faithful adaptation. In a recent blog post, he revealed that the six-episode series is complete and slated for release later this year, possibly in the fall. Unlike his previous experience with House of the Dragon , Martin expressed enthusiastic approval.

"He visto los seis episodios (los últimos dos en cortes ásperos)", escribió, "y los amaba. Dunk y Egg siempre han sido mis favoritos mía, y los actores que los retratan son increíbles. Todo el elenco es excelente. Espera hasta que te encuentres con la tormenta de risas y Tanselle demasiado".

Elogió la fidelidad del programa al Caballero de Hedge , la primera novela de inmersión y huevo: "Es una adaptación tan fiel como un hombre razonable podría esperar (y todos saben cuán increíblemente razonable soy sobre ese tema en particular)".

However, Martin cautioned against expecting large-scale action sequences. "There's a huge fight scene, but no dragons, huge battles, or White Walkers," he explained. "This is a character piece, focusing on duty, honor, and chivalry."

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms stars Peter Claffey as Ser Duncan the Tall (Dunk) and Dexter Sol Ansell as Prince Aegon Targaryen (Egg). While the premiere is still months away, HBO has released images and a short teaser trailer.

Martin concluded his post with a playful reference to his long-awaited novel, The Winds of Winter : "Meanwhile, we'll be moving on to 'The Sworn Sword,' the second Dunk & Egg tale. And once I finish The Winds of Winter , I will need to get hopping on 'The Village Hero,' and all the other tales that await the lads. Don't worry, I am sure you folks will remind me."

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